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Syalalalalalaaaaaa.... Maybe It's True...

Karena lagi gak ada kerjaan di siang ini, Iseng-iseng aku buka twitter. Eh, gak ada apa-apa disana ternyata. Akhirnya karena bosan, aku buka @Virgonation (Virgonian). Itu tweeter khusus ngomongin tentang virgo. Secara, karena aku juga Virgo jadi sering main-main kesana hahhaaaa...

Disana aku bisa kayak bercermin sama diri aku sendiri. Ada yang aku setujui, ada juga yang tidak aku setujui. Kebanyakan orang bilang, jangan percaya sama ramalan bintang. Tapi aku kira @virgonation bukan ngebahas ramalan, tapi memaparkan kepribadian orang-orang yang berzodiak virgo. Jadi, gak masalah kan kalo sekali-kali ngebacanya.

Ini dia beberapa tweet @virgonation yang aku rasa mirip dengan aku. Check this!

 does not force friendships, they believe the best friendships happen naturally.

 don't like other people to know when they're stressed, we rather act like everything's good so we don't burden people.

 always think about how other people are going to feel. We constantly put others before ourselves.

 like to take their time and do things, but get very irritated when other people act slowly.

 have the most varied taste in music. They like anything that soothes their soul.

 wake up and have their day pretty much plannned out before they leave their bed.

 when they don't really like you will try to avoid conversation, but may still be polite to you, because they have 

 have very clear expectations of what a friend should be, and if you are not that, they wont consider you one.

If a  sees you're not putting in any effort neither will they.

When you do nice things for a , it will never go unappreciated.

 never reveal all, they always keep some details for themselves.

 hate fighting and arguing. If they love you, they will compromise for a better relationship.

The key to winning a  heart is making them feel like a priority.

 don’t trust easily and do not like intrusion into their private life.

 take so much to heart, but try not to show it.

 hate waiting.

If a  thinks you're mad at them for a dumb reason they will let you stay mad.

 can think themselves into a bad mood and think themselves right into the best mood ever.

 like to ask questions & know details so that way they can understand you, they don't like to assume.

Virgos aren't necessarily jealous people, they just hate to feel disrespected.

When a  says no just give it up, it's not going to happen.

 are prone to isolating themselves from everyone when in a bad mood.

 don't have a hard time with forgiveness, they have a hard time continuing the relationship as it was before.

If you want a  to do something they just don't want to, you will see their stubborn side.

 minds never stop thinking, they are always over analyzing & worrying.

 are really hard to read after a break up. You don't know if they still love you or if they hate you.

 worry only because they can predict any negative outcomes.

 will be patient when it comes to having the right person in their life. They don't settle easily.

 loves to laugh, their laugh is contagious and will have the whole room laughin

 have enough sense to not act a fool in public, but have the balls to get reckless if someone crosses the line.

 take pride in their individuality and uniqueness. They will always be true to themselves first.

 is the friend who will always be there during those testing times when you need advice or companionship the most.

 can easily look too deep into an issue and over analyze what they percept.

 can't stand two-faced people.

When a  sees that you don't care, they dont either.

 have been gifted with a very sharp memory. Everything that they see or hear leaves a permanent imprint on her mind.

 may play dumb at times, but they always know whats going on.

The things you know about a  is what they choose to show. But trust me, there's much more to them.

Just because a  is flirting with you, it doesn't always mean they like you.

When a  is in love, they want you to be comfortable, loved and appreciated. They'll worry about themselves later.

 really don't like being mad at people, so they just cut them off and feel nothing towards them.

 pretend things don't bother them, but deep inside may be hurt.

 can only take so much before they leave or say something that will hurt you.

 are really caring people, whether you think it or not. Sometimes they care too much.

 like to write down tasks/goals to keep them on track and focused on what they need to accomplish.

 don't display emotions easily, so it’s often hard to tell when they like you or if they're starting to have feelings for you.

When a  is pissed off, do not try to talk to reason with them. The best thing to do is leave them alone.

 over thinking can lead to negative thoughts.

 doesn't like to "chase" anybody. We prefer to be the ones pursued.

Most  are quiet and reserved when you first meet them.

 do not like opinions about their life or what they're doing when they don't ask for them.

 may seem at peace, but on the inside there is a certain restlessness that is not easily calmed.

Don't be fooled by a shy , stick around and you will see their feisty side.

 keep a wall up, they don't let feelings get in or go out easily.

 hate snoopers. If you want to know something, just ask.

 like straightforward people. Don't hide things from them because they will find out some way or another.

 hate when people call them at the last minute to do something for them.

's have a very specific way they like to do things and hate when people try to change it.

 love for you won't always show up in fancy words of endearment, but more in the things they will do for you.

 want to be of use, they need to be important and essential to everyone in their lives and in everything they do.

 are cautious about exposing emotional vulnerabilities because they don't want to get hurt.

 can hurt people with their words, even if it's unintentional.

 can always tell when something isn't adding up.

 woman will always keep some details when sharing an intimate/personal story with a friend.

 seem be calm, but on the inside, they can tire themselves out without even moving trying to fix and figure out things in their head.

 still loves with some type of guard up. It takes time for for them let their guard down completely.

 always either fall for the wrong person, or the right person at the wrong time.

 are good at understanding what someone is saying, even if their words aren't well put together.

 will move on like its easy, but will still think and analyze about what happened.

 hate to be wrong and won't challenge you unless they know they're completely right.

 may have a difficult time admitting when they're wrong just because they're not used to being wrong.

People don't realize how much one little thing can upset .

When  gives up, it's not because they don't love you. It's because they are tired of getting hurt.

 don't like to waste time hating people, they just cut you off and continue with life.

Unless you ask a  what's troubling them, they may never open up and just tell you.

 hate depending on people for anything.

 scepticism and tendency to see hidden motives in people make them hard to win as friends.

In relationships  can be hard to handle. Because they live in their brains not their feelings, They'll open-up to you piece by piece.

 are very independent. sometimes They will suffer in silence before They ask anybody to help them out, They always make it though.

 are often very direct with people and are mistaken for being rude and insensitive.

If you betray a , they may forgive, but trusting you again is a different story.

 can be possessive, but it’s only because they love hard & don't want to lose the one they love.

 are rock hard and can be ice cold, but they are as real as it gets.

If a  is into you, they may ask a lot of questions, they like to explore what they like.

 aren't the type to be bored when they're alone. That's their time to create, be creative, think, practice, read, rest.

Lying to a  to try and make yourself look good will never get them. They spot liars and players from a mile away.

 have sharp tongues and can be brutally honest.

 make it hard for people to get close because once they let someone in, they find it hard to let them go.

 need soul mates who do not take advantage of their respectfulness and who will be loving, loyal and supportive.

 are never completely satisfied with themselves. They always want to be better, go higher and have more for their life.

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